
Day Eight - aka Julia's Birthday

Before we could leave our luxurious room with the perfect access to fresh air we had something VERY important to do: Celebrate Julia's Birthday!!!
After having some cake, we hurried out to the car and once again piled all our stuff into that Monster Truck of ours and hit the road.

But first we had to get gas and clean the windows...

We droooooooove forever

and lost count of the roadkill and dead tires. How on earth do Americans kill their tires so that there is so much stuff on the road?! No wonder you aren't allowed to drive fast btw, you'd hit your heads on the ceiling of the car every time you'd go over a bump. But enough complaining... lol

We took some nice pics of us driving and our surroundings.
Which foot does not belong?
We also took a nice little video of our Birthday Girl, who is soooo selfless :-))
(Note Julia: We spent 8 1/2 hours in our car on my birthday ... I think that is a good reason for a little crazy-singing-ness)

Finally, we reached Texas! And Julia was instantly disappointed because noone was wearing a cowboy hat. The weather greeted us with a huge downpour - Yeehaw..

Our hotel in Dallas is pretty nice, there are a lot of little condos with a pool and a gym. (for our German readers: it kinda reminds me of "Ferienwohnungen im Odenwald"). Our room is huge, has a kitchen, a fireplace, a sofa and a clean bathroom.

The gym is okay-ish, the treadmill works but there are no free weights... sigh.
Can you see my tan lines??

We went out to dinner to have our first piece of texan beef. I was reaaaaallly brave and ate my first burger ever!!
It tasted pretty good, after I took all the yucky stuff off of it.

Now we are pretty beat and since Julia won't stop yawning next to me, we're gonna call it a night and head to bed. Nighty-Night!


  1. Haha I love the video. And Bean, you took all the best parts off your burger. Fussypants. ;)

  2. Happy birthday Julia.

  3. Happy birthday Julia und euch beiden weiterhin eine gute Fahrt.
    Don´t take the "wrong turn" ;-)

    M. aka BBoy

  4. Bine! Du ist mit Tomate Kontaminierten Burger?????cool:-))
    weiter so

  5. haha, no way did I take the best parts off the burger, Heather. Who likes tomatos and pickles?!

    I'll tell Julia Happy Birthday from you guys,

    And no, Bondage Boy :-)), we will
    not take the Wrong Turn. We will stay on the Interstate. hehe
